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Problem StatementFinal SolutionKey FeaturesDesign Process
     User Research
     User Persona
     Problem Statement
     Market Analysis
     Info Architecture
     Design Iteration
     Visual Identity


> Finalist
> Wellesley in Product Designathon 2023
> Designing to spark joy via celebrating spontaneity
Timeline48 hours
Process◦ Product thinking
◦ Product strategy
◦ User/market research
◦ Prototyping
◦ Design iteration
◦ Design Presentation

TeamVictoria Liang (UXD)
Bonnie Chen (UXD)
Sophia Straub (UXR)
Michelle Swolfs (UXR)

1. Project Background

So much planning goes into deciding where to eat and visit in a city. However, decision fatigue makes humans creatures of habit practicing regular, mundane routines.
◦ Motivate people to step out of their comfort zone.
◦ Minimize decisions but still give users options (freedom).

Design a product that celebrates spontaneity, reduces decision fatigue for new citizens and to reignite excitement for old citizens.

2. Problem Statement

3. Final Solution

How to measure success?


Users have access to:
◦ Sign in, sign up, continue without an account
◦ Add default departure addresses

3 Step Location Generator

Quiz to guage interests:
◦ Activity constraints (1/3)
◦ Activity categories (2/3)
◦ Activity details (3/3)

Location Recommendation

◦ Location card (location name, address, rating, reviews, images)
◦ Navigate to location in maps
◦ Coupons available for account users only
◦ Regenerate up to 3x/day (same constraints)


◦ Location card display only
◦ Any available coupons
◦ App location tracks when you have arrived

Experience Review

◦ Comment and rating section
◦ Upload image
◦ Skip review

Gamification Rewards

◦ Level up
◦ Gain coupons with more XP points

4. Key Features


VIZIT partners with businesses to give out coupons to account users only: 

VIZIT: Increase user registration + retention rate
        ◦ The higher the level, the more coupons
Users: Increases spontaneity level, overall happiness and become more acquainted with new places in their cities
Local Businesses: Increases exposure

Increase User Account Registration

Users can only collect their trophies and gain access to coupons after they create an account with us.

Location Tracking

Connect with Apple or Google maps to track your travels with VIZIT.

Initial location input

Select journey start point.

En Route

Connects with your map app.


Prompt to review experience.

5. Design Process

User Research

77% stated they don't go out and explore unless there's a specific purpose or plan because it requires too much effort.

61% stated they are creatures of habits, rarely explore new options around town and always go back to the same places.

User Personas

Problem Statement

Market Analysis

To better understand the project's scope, I researched existing market products, articles promoting spending time alone, and existing resources encouraging users to be tourists in their cities.

Information Architecture

Design Iteration

Starting the process off with Crazy 8 exercises and discussing through various ideas, we specified and moved forward with one general concept. Iterations were then tested with users to further enhance usability and intuitiveness.

Visual Identity

6. Learnings

< Green TripNav.It: Financial Journey>